This summer we went to a potential client for an exploratory meeting. They have a lovely holidayhome in the area and wanted some changes in their garden. There were also a couple of trees that needed pruning. Together we came up with a plan for their garden, we were going to make a foodforest! A foodforest, sometimes also called a forest garden, is a diverse planting of edible plants that tries to mimic the ecosystems and patterns found in nature.

First up was to look for the location for the foodforest in their garden. We found the perfect spot along some walnut- and chestnuttrees down the hill. Second up was to make a design and a list of plants. The clients were going to buy the most of the plants themselfs, but in addition to that we also deleverd some small plantmaterial (hawthorn, birch, hazel and more) that we dug out of our own forest.

The size of the foodforest was about 200 m2 and divided in multiple zones. Zone 1: the herblayer, zone 2: sunloving plants along a reck, zone 3: fruittrees and shadowloving plants
and zone 4: a border of nuttrees. Under the plants we build a layer of mulch with treechips (deliverd by us) and leaves from the chestnut. Through the forest we made two paths, which are both outlined with treelogs. The construction for the second zone is made with chestnut poles that we saw in our own forest. It all came together wonderfully and now it is time to watch it grow!

Would you like to learn more about foodforest? Our do you want a gardendesign? Don't hesitate to contact us for a exploratory meeting.